Post-Jam Development and GMTK Edition

Hi there!

The 2024 GMTK Game Jam is now officially over. Congratulations to all who submitted an entry! I had a blast making Thick & Thin during those 4 days. I learned a ton and it felt amazing to see the final product come together into something I'm proud to have released.

With that out of the way, we can get to the real purpose of this post. I had mentioned that I was considering it during the jam, but I'm happy to announce that it's now official: I have decided to continue developing Thick & Thin, and will be releasing a full version sometime in the future! I don't have any sort of planned release date just yet, but stay tuned for new content coming down the pipeline.

I've repackaged and re-uploaded the original Windows and Linux builds from the jam as the "GMTK Edition". This will remain untouched as I release updates to the main builds in order to preserve what I did in that original time block. You can download it right now from the attachment on this post or from the game's page.

Thanks for playing!


Thick& 52 MB
Aug 27, 2024

Get Thick & Thin


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ooh nice :D